Psychoanalytic Thoughts On Lyotard’s “Universal Genre of Discourse” and the Homosexuality of Bisexuality



Jean-Francois Lyotard’s genre comprises the rules of linkage, the linkage of heterogeneous phrases. Genres function to reduce the contingent nature of linking. They do so by providing rules for appropriate or possible linkages. For Lyotard, the problem, given the conflicts inherent between these phrased world’s, and the absence of what he calls “a universal genre of discourse” capable of regulating them, is the political problem of imagining new possibilities, new linkages that make it possible for the silence of the differend to be heard. This philosophical notion addresses not only the problem of masculine and feminine, if in fact whether or not there are two genres that are uniquely different consisting of two separate genres, without proper rules for linkage, but whether or not they are heterogeneous and uniquely make up only one universal genre?

For feminist writers this is an important aspect of establishing equality between female victim and male victim. To say rape solely is a female phenomenon would be an untruthful deception. Of course there are men who suffer rape and domestic violence at the hands of violent female perpetrators. Albeit, on a very small scale.

Making prostitution solely about female victimization at the hands of oppression and abuse by male patriarchy is a deceptive lie when males also engage in forms of prostitution, male victimization at the hands of oppression and abuse of dominant females. It is for this reason we cannot be fair in our fight for justice unless we establish “a universal genre of discourse” that address both forms of silence. This universal genre of violent discourse has already been established in Freud’s castration complex and his theory of Oedipus. Amber Jacobs unwittingly incorporates Freud’s Oedipus (castration complex) into her theories on matricide by incorporating Melanie Klein’s work with insecurely attached children. Both Freud’s Oedipus (masculine castration complex) and Amber Jacobs’ On Matricide (feminine castration complex) are just more of the philosophical patriarchal psychotic rendering of “absolute law”. Albeit, one belonging to the father and the other belonging to the mother.

“The human race is divided into two genres which ensure its production and reproduction. Trying to suppress sexual difference is to invite a genocide more radical than any destruction that has ever existed in History. What is important, on the other hand, is defining the values belonging to a sex-specific genre. What is indispensable is elaborating a culture of the sexual which does not yet exist, whilst respecting both genres.” (pg 79)

When the Western philosophical text of Plato rendered woman as metaphor, it most certainly embraces both masculine and feminine aspects of linkage.

So when feminist seek to establish equal rights, these rights inadvertently incorporate the silencing of the maternal body simply because the maternal pregnant body symbolizies the very abuse and theft by their masculine counterparts, that is, the silencing of their own phallic masculine dominant rights This is similar to the very parthenogenesis found in “Sex and Death in the Minds of Defence Intellectuals” by Carol Kohn because pregnancy seeks to silence the phallic voice of woman, it demonstrates an abject repudiation and denial to speak in “mother’s white ink.” (pg. 138)

It is this ever elusive search for the benevolent mother-daughter, and too, benevolent father-son in myth which, from my understanding, might be found in themes of benevolent homosexuality and bisexuality; void, of course, of torture bondage and castration themes of sadomasochism. For “a universal genre of discourse” in its very linguistic meaning means only one. This concept of homo- verses hetero-, for me the universal language seems to be the homosexuality of bisexuality. Upon deeper investigation a return to pre-Oedipal oneness with the benevolence of mother’s white ink (and father’s white ink to some extent for father’s are quite capable of nursing their children with a bottle and can most certainly demonstrate feminine aspects of nurture), the homo language of love. This love expresses the ability to love another in their same-sexed body without the rejection or feared castration by Other. The ability to love father equally like mother in the absence of any psychotic patriarchal absolute law. For there are no absolutes when it comes to universal love. It is for this reason the masculine-feminine linkages become not just about male and female gender, but also a universal language that includes groups of minorities (both male and female minorities of diversity), religious groups as well as children too, who, in their own right, can constitute a subgroup of humanity. For to speak in “mother’s white ink” of the pre-Oedipal phase means incorporation and inclusivity.

iGen and the creation of an Object through the use of Artificial Intelligence; Creating The Magic Talking Mirror

“Life looked a lot different 50 years ago. In 1968, everyone had landlines and no one had an email address. In 2018, cars can drive themselves, same-sex couples can get married, and single women can get a credit card. A half-century of technological advancements has put a computer in practically every home, and a cell phone in almost everyone’s hands.”

In Michelle Boulous Walker’s “Philosophy and the Maternal Body: Reading Silence” and my account of the manifestation of Invisible Crime through the use of electro-magnetic frequency, which I would now like to term iGen Crime, Walker’s book demonstrates the historical philosophical silencing of woman through the example of Plato’s cave metaphor found in his seventh (7th) book The Republic. This relates, and can be linked, to the silencing of the maternal body, not only of the biologically born females but also biologically born males, some who express their femininity through homosexuality. There is a history of silencing, not only in regard to woman’s voice, but also the silencing of ethnic groups, religious groups, the homosexual and bisexual, and children through attempted techniques of behavioral control / modification.** There are facilities that advertise and promote they can “correct” the perversity of homosexuality through mind control techniques.

Like Walker demonstrated with Plato’s cave metaphor the historical example of philosophical silencing of woman’s voice, I would like to demonstrate how the iGen technique of creating a magic talking mirror is similar to the mind control techniques in silencing strong women, ethnic minorities, homosexuality/bisexuality, religious groups, and children, and also those things not wanted in terms of traditional mainstream social structure and power politics through the attempted acts of “re-writing individual identity and free will.” In essence, giving re-birth to a human subject through the use of Artificial Intelligence and modern programming techniques.

The following is a list of the iGen computer generation giving language and speech modules for their iGen Magic Talking Mirror. The computer programmer DIY materials list for creating a magic talking mirror is below. Hence, giving a mirror intelligence:

-Web Camera (Facial Recognition when person is in front of the mirror)
-Audio (once facial recognition is recognized this sets up the audio – a speaker is mounted to receive speech input)
-Speech Module – Google Speech (allows for a question asked (just like in a scientific experiment) to be converted to text)
-NLU Module (computer program called – extracts the INTENT of the question. Example, is the question about the weather?)
-Knowledge (observable facts that allow for the QUESTION to be ANSWERED – local weather information.)
-NLG Module (another simple computer program that allows the observable facts to be gathered as computer text)
-TTS – Text to Speech (allows the gathered observable facts to be converted to speech so as to be heard)

This technology holds vast benefit for individuals who carry out a busy lifestyle from day-to-day, but when it is incorporated in to a person to change personality, opinion, sexual orientation, a political vote, a jurists’ opinion, it crosses from the ethical to the unethical.

To understand further how the act of human programming can be linked to the technology of iGen or artificial intelligence imagine someone “creating a human talking mirror,” creating one who is merely a ventriloquist to the creator’s parroting program on how the programmer/creator wants the subject to speak, think, and act click below:

From a feminist philosophical and psychoanalytical standpoint this script is psychotic in voice and tone. We can establish it as castrating the victim(s) by taking away their basic human rights, namely free will. Freud’s castration complex is psychotic text that helps us understand the psychosis behind forms of mental disease found in the absolute law of patriarchy. Disrupting a person’s life by hacking cell phones, computers, online accounts, and their daily routine through the infliction of pain and suffering through electromagnetic frequency is stalking script. It is the auto-erotic stimulation of conquering that which could not previously be conquered through the use of bio-electro-pharmaceuticals and other technological devices, possibly even other types of homemade devices. Unfortunately, this is not the way civilized gentlemen solve human problems unless you’re talking about the uncivilized problem solving strategy of destructive war.

Source Reference:
Walker, Michelle Boulous. Philosophy and the Maternal Body: Reading Silence. New York. Routledge. (1998).

(pg. 79) This quote comes from chapter 4, Philosophy and Silence “The Differend” and is a discussion on sexual difference, but here in my writing more appropriately figures on aspects of difference whether they be sexual, ethnic, religious or otherwise.

(pg. 138) Mother’s white ink is a reference to the theories of Helene Cixous who wrote very poetically about how daughters’ learn the preverbal language during the pre-Oedipal phase through the terrain of the mother’s body; breastfeeding.

**For me personally I experienced disruption of my morning exercise routine with other daily routines being disrupted, various adverse side-effects; confusion, disorientation, reduced or muted clairsentience, slowed-movement, slowed-reaction time, slurred speech, etc. In addition to computer hacked, cell phone hacked, online accounts hacked; email, Facebook, web-blog.


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